Conservatives Use Tyshawn Lee Murder Arrest To Mock #BlackLivesMatter Because Why Not

News broke on Friday morning that Chicago police had made an arrest in the heinous and unthinkable murder of nine-year-old Tyshawn Lee. The young boy was shot and killed on November 2nd after being lured into a back alley. Lee’s murder had been thought to be gang related as police believe he was targeted due to a familial relationship to a gang member. Corey Morgan, 27, was charged with first-degree murder while an arrest warrant has been issued for Kevin Edwards in relation to the homicide. Another man already in custody on unrelated charges is also suspected of being involved.
Meanwhile, conservatives and ‘All Lives Matter’ advocates decided to use the news of the arrest to mock and attack the Black Lives Matter movement because that is just what they fucking do. In their mind, those protesting police violence against the black community need to be more cognizant of violence in the inner-city and speak out against it on a consistent basis. Therefore, any time there is ‘black-on-black’ crime, it needs to be highlighted, and those in the community need to condemn it.
Of course, this is making the assumption that nobody is protesting or showing disgust when it comes to violence plaguing poor minority areas. Also, when it comes to Lee’s murder, they are also acting as if nobody has expressed outrage and there has been very little media coverage of it. Mind you, the announcement of Morgan’s arrest just made national news, and there was widespread shock and anger across the nation earlier this month when Lee was killed.
But, trolls gotta troll, and in the immediate aftermath of the arrest announcement, we were hit with the usual binary-level ‘why ain’t BLM taking to the streets to protest Tyshawn Lee’s murder’ tweets that have become standard fare from the right these days. As one would expect following protests over the murder of Laquan McDonald by police officer Jason Van Dyke, we were treated to a lot of comparison tweets on Twitter.
It speaks volumes about these #Chicago protestors that they’re angrier at a Christmas tree, than about #TyshawnLee
— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) November 26, 2015
No protests when #TyshawnLee was murdered & his gangster dad refused to cooperate. Guess only some #BlackLivesMatter
— Betsy Brantner Smith (@sgtbetsysmith) November 27, 2015
This is surprising since Deray claims to have brokered peace amongst gang members. #TyshawnLee #BlackLivesMatter
— #Fergtards™ (@FergSays) November 27, 2015
Where are #BlackLivesMatter protesters #TyshawnLee
— The Patriot (@ThePatriot143) November 27, 2015
#BlackLivesMatter could have hunted down the killers of #TyshawnLee themselves and a lot faster too. But they put him on the bottom of list.
— AGirlAndHerFKNHammer (@EvrythingsaNail) November 27, 2015
I’m still waiting for the riots #TyshawnLee #BlackLivesMatter
— brian douglass (@BDSoCal) November 27, 2015
@FoxNews Shame! This poor child’s life is over because of a thug with no soul. #Blacklivesmatter will be all over this…NOT. #TyshawnLee
— Raging Bull (@ACBadBeat) November 27, 2015
#BlackLivesMatter protest against #ChicagoPD but they continue to seek justice for #TyshawnLee – dad/gang member
— Jeffrey Hawkins (@Learntobesafe) November 27, 2015
#TyshawnLee #BlackLivesMatter when a white cop is the killer.
— Its Me Dude (@PolarWhut) November 27, 2015
And it goes on and on like that. Apparently, nobody in the black community or involved with Black Lives Matter cares one iota about murdered black people unless a white cop is responsible. Except, of course, that is total bullshit. As CBS Chicago highlighted in response to that very criticism right after Lee was killed, Chicago has seen countless anti-violence marches in the city pretty much every weekend this year. Meanwhile, St. Louis, pretty much the birth of the BLM movement, has seen a ‘We Must Stop Killing Each Other’ initiative in the northern part of the city where crime is high. This has also been accompanied by marches and protests.
However, none of that fits the narrative from the anti-BLM crowd. And they don’t care. At all.