Fox News’ Steve Doocy Can Barely Contain His Enthusiasm For Trump’s Racist Immigration Plan

Many in the Conservative Entertainment Complex have hitched their wagon to the Donald Trump express and pledged their undying devotion to the man who has won the hearts and minds of millions of GOP voters by simply being himself — a misogynistic, racist, anti-intellectual, narcissistic blowhard. However, one member of the right-wing media has seemingly gone out of his way to prove that he is the greatest Trump-lover of them all and that’s Fox News’ Steve Doocy. The Fox & Friends host not only praises the celebrity billionaire for every single move he makes but ensures that he figuratively has The Donald’s surely minuscule penis in his mouth while cradling his old man balls.
During Tuesday morning’s broadcast, Doocy once again slurped up on Trump’s immigration plan that he posted to his campaign website over the weekend. The perpetually smirking host had already dropped a ton of effusive praise on the plan Monday morning and decided to follow that up with enough hyperbolic acclaim as to make the ‘Stump for Trump’ girls embarrassed.
Prior to lauding the real estate mogul’s plan to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants and make Mexico pay for a huge wall, Doocy had to adoringly discuss Trump’s jury duty trip on Monday. The Dooce was a bit disappointed that the reality TV star was not picked to serve on a jury because that meant there was not a trial that would be blessed with Trump serving as jury foreman and making sure justice was served. (He actually said this. No joke.) This led to Doocy complimenting Rush Limbaugh for saying Trump has the best immigration plan among all the GOP candidates. Apparently, Trump heard El Rushbo on Monday and tweeted how very happy he was with the very great Rush and his very good program.
Listening to @rushlimbaugh on way back to Jury Duty. Fantastic show, terrific guy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 17, 2015
Finally, Doocy brought on Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano to discuss the actual substance of Trump’s immigration platform. The judge pointed out that it would be nearly impossible for Trump to repeal the 14th Amendment and that he couldn’t just bypass it. Also, the logistics of deporting at least 11 million people would be cumbersome at best based on the judicial system and could take at least 40 years to slog through.
However, this didn’t faze Doocy one bit, as he said The Donald is a negotiator and he is just looking to win on some of his issues, not all of them. He further stated that the plan is “a dream list for many who have wanted immigration reform for a long time.” Then he wiped his chin.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters:
Image via Raw Story