White CNN Panelists Tell Black Man That #BlackLivesMatter Hurts White People’s Feelings

I’m sure black people in this country totally love it when white conservatives tell them how to act and speak. During Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s State of the Union, panelists Ken Cuccinelli and SE Cupp tried to explain to Democratic politician and CNN contributor Bakari Sellers that white people take offense to the slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’ because they think it means African Americans are saying they are more important than anyone else. Cuccinelli argued that saying ‘All Lives Matter’ in retort is perfectly acceptable while Cupp just spewed her standard word diarrhea that she sells as legitimate discourse.
Host Jake Tapper started the discussion off by engaging Sellers on the recent hiccups that have plagued Presidential candidates when they’ve tried to talk about the movement. Sellers highlighted how Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Jeb Bush and even Hillary Clinton had struggled when talking about what ‘Black Lives Matter’ truly means in relation to racial disparities in police violence. He then stated that those involved in the movement are just trying to get the politicians to acknowledge that there is a real fear by black in this country regarding police interactions.
“You have African-Americans who literally do not get the benefit of their humanity,” Sellers explained. “And that’s a problem. You know, in my next interaction…I’m the only person at this table who’s next [police] interaction may cause them to be a hashtag. And that’s something that we feel, that’s a very deep pain.”
Well, in ambled good ol’ Cooch, who is most known for being a far-right (losing) candidate for Governor of Virginia and has become a bit of a Tea Party darling. He made sure to let Sellers know that while he empathized with him a bit, he and other blacks need to know that white people’s fee-fees get trampled on when they have to hear those mean ol’ activists yelling ‘Black Lives Matter’ because it makes them think that their lives mean less.
Here’s the exchange between Cuccinelli and Sellers:
CUCCINELLI: Adding t-o-o at the end puts it in a context that makes sense.
SELLERS: But it’s implicit, though.
CUCCINELLI: Well, you may say that. And there’s plenty of reason to understand that. But I don’t think every American hears it that way. They hear, ‘Here we are, yes we have this political motivation that we’re separating out this one category of Americans and saying they matter more than everybody else.’ That’s actually what a lot of people see.
SELLERS: We’re saying stop killing us. We’re saying, my life matters.
CUCCINELLI: I understand that, but that’s why you have the retort. No, all lives matter. We’re not leaving these out.
Groan. Cupp then chimed in because, well, that’s what she does. She has to use give her pseudo-intellectual opinion on every matter and give it that special little Republican dimwit spin. But, see, she has glasses on, so she must be smart. Anyway, she stated that she just thinks it’s silly that there is an argument in the Democratic Party about properly using and acknowledging the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ and not adding ‘All Lives Matter,’ which is what got O’Malley in some hot water with black voters. (Something he’s apologized for, by the way.)
She also complained that it all comes down to arguing about slogans and such. She was rebuked by Sellers, who pointed out that the reason this conversation is needed is because there is no question in this country of the value of the life of a white child. However, it does appear that isn’t the case for many young blacks, at least in the eyes of law enforcement. That is the reason why African Americans are out there saying Black Lives Matter. Of course, neither Cooch or Cupp really understood what Sellers was trying to convey.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of CNN:
white people, don’t even want black people to even care about their own race.
Wow.. Black Americans are screwed! When is CNN gonna declare open season on blacks officially ..after deer season is it?