Joe Scarborough: Trump Is Freaking Out About Mail-In Ballots Because of ‘the Democrat in Him’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough mocked President Donald Trump on Friday for his attacks on mail-in ballots by casting him as a lifelong Democrat who hasn’t gotten over that party’s dislike of vote-by-mail. The Morning Joe host explained that he did well with mail-in ballots when he ran for Congress.
“I didn’t have to dial for dollars,” Scarborough said. “Very lucky, I ran pretty much grass roots campaign my first time, got elected by big margins and never had to go to the NRCC and dial all day. So you know how I spent my time doing political things? I got on the phone and I called people who had absentee ballots that we sent overseas like people in the military and their families.”
“And I’d call senior citizens around northwest Florida say, hey, just wanted to let you know, I’m Joe, you got an absentee ballot coming your way. Do you have any questions for me? Because that was how important mail-in votes, absentee votes were to me and to Republicans. And it has always been that way.”
“So it doesn’t surprise me that Donald Trump, lifetime Democrat, who’s contributed to Hillary Clinton seven or eight times and Anthony Weiner, Elliott Spencer, Kamala Harris and Charlie Rangel.”
“I can understand why the Democrat in him is freaked out about this. But for Republicans, Susan [Del Percio], mail-in ballots and absentee ballots have always been how we win the close races.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.