Fox News Analyst: Young People Will Be ‘Enlightened’ by Kanye West’s Presidential Bid

Fox News analyst Lawrence Jones claimed that young people would be ‘enlightened’ thanks to rapper Kanye West’s abortive presidential bid on Monday. Fox told Fox & Friends that while he didn’t believe the campaign was serious, it would have positive effects.
Griff Jenkins asked Jones if West could actually win votes from young people. Fox was skeptical.
“I don’t see it actually — like I said, this is not about a campaign,” Jones said. “Most of the states, he can’t even get on the ballot right now. I guess some people can write him in but I don’t think it’s going to do that much of a, you know, difference in this campaign.”
“This is why I know that it has nothing — Kanye is a smart guy. This has nothing to do with a presidential race. Again, I think it’s important to know there is controversy about his remarks about Harriet Tubman and what she did. Obviously she was a freedom fight early and spy for the Union as well. We know the impact that she made. Kanye has gotta continue to educate himself.”
Jenkins asked Jones if West was really serious about running for president.
“Yeah. I don’t think he’s serious about running,” Jones said. “Most political experts would tell you that he can’t even get on the ballot in most states. Kanye has always been about the movement. And I understand people that are outsiders that are not used to, you know, watching Kanye, they will follow the bouncing ball.”
“That is by design with Kanye. But again, I think it’s about getting his message out. I think there is a lot of young people gonna be enlightened during this journey just like when he went on his Gospel tour as well you saw kids that parents couldn’t get them to church but came because of Kanye.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.