Trump’s Disapproval at Highest Level Since January as Deaths Near 100,000

President Donald Trump’s disapproval has reached a new high in recent days as U.S. deaths from Coronavirus approach 100,000. The President’s handling of the crisis has been poorly reviewed for weeks now and the situation is not improving for him.
The FiveThirtyEight approval rating tracker shows that the Trump’s disapproval stands at 53.5 percent. This is the highest rate of disapproval since the middle of January. His average approval rating has also fallen to 42.7 percent. This is a three point drop.
The President’s handling of the Coronavirus is almost certainly connected to this fall in public approval. Deaths from Covid-19 have already passed 98,000 – a quarter of total Coronavirus deaths worldwide. Casualties are set to increase.
Meanwhile, President Trump has continued to tout untested and potentially dangerous treatments for Coronavirus, recently claiming he was taking hydroxychloroquine. This, combined with Trump’s aggressive use of Twitter and attacks on critics, have apparently not inspired American confidence.
The President is pushing to reopen the country, insisting that houses of worship are essential, as many states are taking a different course. Trump is said to be sensitive to polls but it is unlikely his rising disapproval will see him change course on the virus.