Joe Scarborough: Trump Is ‘Destroying the Republicans Chances to Win Elections for a Generation to Come’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough warned Republicans that President Donald Trump’s Coronavirus response will cost them their careers. The Morning Joe host spoke with Reverend Al Sharpton on Monday about the President’s Twitter spree over the weekend.
“How many did he tweet out yesterday? It was like some insane number,” Scarborough said. “Reverend Al, we’re literally in the worst crisis since World War II.”
“And again, I don’t look at Donald Trump and say, Why can’t he help himself? Why can’t he fix himself? Why can’t he be at least competent? He has proven, time and time again, he just can’t do it. Even though, at the beginning, we were begging him and pleading with him to do that.”
“You’ve gotta look at his enablers in the United States Senate. 80,000 people dead. They’re doing nothing,” Scarborough said, a former Republican congressman himself.
“If they don’t give a damn about Americans’ lives, they should look at the polls because Donald Trump is destroying their careers, destroying the Republican Senate majority, and I say, destroying the Republicans’ chances to win elections for a generation to come.”
“And they should lose the elections for generations to come if they do not have the moral backbone to stand up to this president, who is clearly not well,” Sharpton said.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.