NBC Medical Correspondent: ‘I Am Frightened That the Hospitals Across the Country Will Be Running Out of Supplies’

NBC chief medical correspondent Dr. Dave Campbell raised concerns on Friday about the supply of vital medical equipment to America’s hospitals amid the growing Covid-19 outbreak. Campbell spoke to Morning Joe‘s Mika Brzezinski about his worries.
“The science is telling us that we’re on par with Italy at this point,” Brzezinski said. “Are there any reasons to believe that we’re not? And also, what is the medical community, what is the health care community going to look like one week, two weeks, three weeks from now, in your estimate from data that you’re looking at?”
“I am frightened that the hospitals across the country will be running out of supplies, overrun with patients that are testing positive to Coronavirus, Covid-19 disease,” Campbell said.
“And that we will be running short of ventilators, and perhaps most importantly, the personnel that will be required to treat the patients that are sick, the health care workers will themselves become infected periodically.”
“They’ll need to stay away from other patients or they will get sick enough to stay in a hospital bed. So we have this conundrum that is going to make us look like Italy if we don’t, all across the country, socially distance. And there’s even time to do that. But it is better to do that than not. So I’m quite concerned, Mika, that in the next two to four weeks, we will be having different discussions.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.