Fox’s Brian Kilmeade Warns Against Trade with China: You Get ‘the Wuhan Virus That Poisoned the World’

Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade struck an alarmist note on Friday during a conversation with former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The Fox & Friends host appeared to argue against U.S. trade with China and once again blamed the country for the Coronavirus.
Gingrich was strongly criticizing the Chinese government, claiming that it has lied repeatedly. It is true that China has lied about major issues and may have initially sought to downplay the virus. But Kilmeade took the criticism a step further.
“Newt, the next time someone signs up for their Belt and Road program or for Huawei, they should keep on the Wuhan virus that poisoned the world,” Kilmeade said.
“That’s what you get when you get Chinese trade. And that’s what we should — the American companies should keep in mind when they cut these deals.”
Gingrich barely blinked and did not push back against Kilmeade’s rhetoric.
“Well, and that’s why, frankly, we need a much, much stronger U.S. Government response on 5G and on Huawei,” he said. “We have been sitting around, failing to act for over a year and a half now. And every day we fail to act, Huawei gains ground around the world.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.