‘Morning Joe’ Praises Mike Bloomberg: ‘Overwhelming Number’ of Voters Think He’ll Be the Nominee

The panel of MSNBC’s Morning Joe praised former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg on Monday. Speaking from Manchester, New Hampshire ahead of the state’s primary, co-host Joe Scarborough and guests Adrienne Elrod and John Heilemann suggested Bloomberg could succeed.
Morning Joe showed a clip from Bloomberg’s latest ad comparing President Donald Trump unfavorably to past presidents.
“This is the kind of ad that I wish we’d seen from Joe Biden closing New Hampshire because it reminds voters he was front-runner at one point and still most electable in his campaign’s view and in many American’s view to take on Trump,” Elrod said.
“I’m hearing same thing about Bloomberg all the time and think if Joe Biden finishes fourth or fifth in New Hampshire, which looks like it may be happening, more and more people will start turning to Mike Bloomberg.”
John Heilemann agreed that Bloomberg could be a surprise success in the Democratic race.
“In this state the number of people in this state and Iowa who I’ve walked up to and said who are you for in this race?” Heilemann said. “They say whoever they’re for. And I say, who do you think is going to be the Democratic nominee? Overwhelming numbers say, oh, Bloomberg. Even if it’s not the person they’re voting for.”
“People are starting to get in their heads the notion Bloomberg is kind of like … he’s on television so much,” Heilemann said.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.