Fox’s Brian Kilmeade Accidentally Calls Qassem Soleimani a ‘Liberal Columnist’ Who’s ‘Very Well-Respected’

The hosts of Fox & Friends occasionally make mistakes on their live TV program and sometimes flubs can happen when they’re rushing to defend whatever President Donald Trump has done. But on Monday, Fox’s Brian Kilmeade tripped over his own tongue and managed to claim that Iranian General Qassem Soleimani is a liberal writer rather than the deceased leader of the al-Quds force.
Kilmeade was praising an article by Thomas Friedman, who is a liberal columnist, and he tried to describe Friedman mid-sentence but in his haste ended up ascribing Friedman’s resume to the dead general.
“Thomas Friedman called Qassem Soleimani, who’s a liberal columnist but very well respected around the world and definitely anti-Trump, he said Soleimani was the stupidest guy around because he had the opportunity to take that money and build up the country instead he took it and President Trump’s face and fanned it around the terror world.”
Kilmeade obviously confused the two men because of his badly structured sentence but he issued no correction after calling Soleimani a ‘liberal columnist’ and didn’t bother to clarify that he had made an error. Though these things can happen on live TV, the Fox & Friends hosts didn’t try to deal with the flub professionally.
This is not the first time Fox & Friends has made an embarrassing mistake because of rushed discussion or a desire to make a point. It is unlikely Thomas Friedman will be amused by the comparison.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.