MSNBC Guest: Iran Is ‘Potentially Going to Make a Dash for the Bomb’

Iran may attempt to quickly develop nuclear weapons, according to Financial Times U.S. National Editor Edward Luce. Speaking on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Luce agreed with host Joe Scarborough that recent events, especially the killing of General Qassem Soleimani, make it more likely Iran will seek nuclear weapons.
“The President, interestingly enough, guaranteed while he was in the White House, Iran would not have nuclear weapons,” Scarborough said.
“It’s the same guarantee he made of North Korea, actually as we all know the actions of last Friday, make it far more likely Iran will get nuclear weapons sooner rather than later.”
Scarborough said the White House sees the events as a ‘smashing success’ but wondered what U.S. allies think.
“I think if you judge this from the European perspective, particularly Germany, France, Britain, the so-called EU three that are signatories to the nuclear deal with Iran, and you judge the events of the last few days by their likely consequences, then what you’re seeing is, one, Iran is pulling out any sort of remaining uranium enrichment restrictions from a JCPOA, in other words it’s potentially going to make a dash for the bomb,” Luce said.
“All the demonstrations that were against the Iranian regime, partly because of the economic impact of the Trump administration’s sanctions on Iran, those demonstrations have now stopped. There’s now a sort of unified national feeling in support of the Iranian regime and likewise in Iraq.”
Luce said that this series of events was not good news.
“These are bad consequences and these are steps backwards in the goal to restrain the Iranian regime.” he said.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.