Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt: Trump Doesn’t Take Things Personally, Isn’t ‘Combative’

Fox & Friends host Ainsley Earhardt said on Friday that President Donald Trump compares favorably to former Vice President Joe Biden because he doesn’t take things personally or respond in an aggressive way to questions he doesn’t like.
Conservative duo Diamond and Silk (Lynnette Hardawy and Rochelle Richardson) were discussing Biden’s recent clash with a man that ended with the Democratic candidate challenging him to a push up competition. The segment was ostensibly about Trump’s sense of humor.
“I was watching when Joe Biden responded to that guy in the audience yesterday,” Earhardt said.
“He took offense to it. He was getting in the guy’s face. Got close to him. We were kind of talking and I said do you know what’s interesting about our current President if someone says something like that to him, he doesn’t take it personally. He answers the question,” she said.
“He has a way of responding without, in my opinion, without it being so combative,” Earhardt said.
Hardaway and Richardson agreed with Earhardt’s assertion and went on to attack Biden for being a bully and hiding something.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.