Republican Witness Says Everyone Is Angry About Impeachment : ‘Even My Dog Seems Mad’

A witness before the House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing has caused a stir by saying that his dog seems angry because of the current partisan political atmosphere. Prof. Jonathan Turley is a legal scholar who is a Republican witness.
Turley departed from the other three legal experts appearing before the Committee by saying President Donald Trump had not committed impeachable offenses. Instead, Turley blamed the situation on partisan rancor.
“We are living in the very period described by Alexander Hamilton. A period of agitated passions. I get it. You’re mad,” Turley said.
Turley: "We are living in the very period described by Alexander Hamilton. A period of agitated passions. I get it. You're mad. The president is mad. My Republican friends are mad. My Democratic friends are mad. My wife is mad. My kids are mad. Even my dog seems mad."
— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 4, 2019
“The President is mad. My Republican friends are mad. My Democratic friends are mad. My wife is mad. My kids are mad. Even my dog seems mad,” he said.
Prof. Turley’s dog is reportedly a golden doodle, not a dog known for its’ bad temper. Earlier, Turley tried to establish his non-partisan by saying he hadn’t voted for President Trump. His testimony, however, is almost diametrically opposed to the other witnesses and did little to address the substance of the investigations.
Watch the video above, via CBS News/Twitter.