Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt Laments That Trump Would Probably ‘Be Booed or Kicked Out’ of New York Restaurants

Fox & Friends host Ainsley Earhardt appeared to admit that President Donald Trump is very unpopular in his home town on Monday. Earhardt bemoaned the fact that Trump would likely meet a frosty reception if he tried to go to restaurants in the West Village.
Earhardt was discussing Trump’s change of permanent residency to Florida with columnist New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin.
“He loves the city, he loves the state,” Goodwin said.
“He built a lot of it,” Earhardt said.
“It is sad,” she said of his unpopularity in the city.
“If he wanted to go to a restaurant down in the West Village, he probably would be booed or kicked out of the restaurant. And this is his city.”
Trump remains quite unpopular in New York City. He was recently met with a mix of boos and cheers at a UFC fight, while he was concertedly booed at a baseball game in Washington. His primary residence will now be Mar-a-Lago, not Trump Tower in New York.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.