Former Govt Ethics Chief: Trump’s ‘Anti-Patriots’ Are Waging ‘War on Democracy Itself’

The former director of the Office of Government Ethics has issued a powerful warning about those in positions of power defending President Donald Trump. Walter Shaub wrote a long and damning Twitter thread about what he sees as the ‘dangerous territory’ ahead.
“People in positions of power defending Trump are focused on process instead of substance because they know his actions are indefensible,” Shaub said.
“Rather than risking a short-term political defeat, these anti-patriots wage war on democracy itself. We are in dangerous territory.”
In a series of 11 tweets, Shaub outlined the case for Trump’s corruption and condemned his actions over Ukraine and the now notorious quid pro quo.
Shaub criticized congressional Republicans coming to Trump’s defense by citing conspiracy theories.
“Trump’s congressional allies advance conspiracy theories about a non-existent ‘secret society’ and ‘deep state’ to provide him further cover,” Shaub said.
“They have turned the Capitol into an Animal House fraternity, disrupting impeachment investigation in a SCIF for a pizza party,” he said.
“The list is longer than could fit in a Twitter thread. But this is enough to make one thing clear: Democracy cannot withstand this punishing assault much longer. Shame on those who defend Trump’s misdeeds to protect their political careers. At stake is the republic itself.”