‘Fox & Friends’ Guest: I Don’t See What The Ukraine Whistleblower Is Complaining About

The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky told Fox & Friends on Thursday that he didn’t see anything in President Donald Trump’s phone call to Ukraine that could warrant a complaint. The whistleblower’s complaint about Trump is due to be released later today.
“Do you see the President in this five pages doing something that would warrant impeachment?” Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade asked, referring to the memo released yesterday summarizing Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president.
“No, I don’t,” von Spakovsky said. “He neither directly or indirectly threatened the Ukraine. He didn’t say anything about withholding any kind of aid in exchange for anything. And I just don’t see anything. There’s no smoking gun in that conversation if that’s what Democrats were looking for.”
Kilmeade told von Spakovsky that the whistleblower’s complaint was based ‘90%’ on Trump’s call, though this is not necessarily true. The complaint reportedly covers several calls that Trump and has not yet been made public.
“Look, if 90% of what the whistleblower is talking about is this phone call, then I really don’t see what he’s complaining about,” von Spakovsky said.
“And it makes it look like this intelligence analyst or this agent is simply going after the President politically,” he said.
“Because, again, the transcript makes clear that there wasn’t anything in there that was unconstitutional, unlawful or somehow outside the authority of the President because he’s got great authority when it comes to policy matters and the ability to talk and negotiate with foreign leaders.”
Both Democrats and Republicans reportedly responded with shock and concern upon reading the complaint on Wednesday, while the phone conversation shows Trump pressuring the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.