‘Fox & Friends’: There Are ‘A Few Words’ in the Ukraine Transcript That Will ‘Raise Eyebrows’

Fox News appears to be doing damage control for the White House even before any new information on the Trump/Ukraine scandal is released. On Wednesday morning, Fox & Friends spoke to Republican Congressman Doug Collins, who went on the attack against Democrats.
However, co-host Steve Doocy asked Collins for comment on Fox News’ reporting about the contents of the soon-to-be-released transcript of President Donald Trump’s call with the president of Ukraine.
“According to Fox News, in the transcript that we’re gonna see later today, there are a few words in the transcript that will raise eyebrows but it’s not nearly as bad as the Democrats say. What do you think that means?” Doocy said.
Collins naturally downplayed the transcript, which some commentators have suggested will not prove anything about the contents of Trump’s call.
“I’m not sure,” Collins said. “We’ll have to see. But I know for the Democrats if it has ‘the’, ‘an’ or a pronoun they’re gonna say it raises eyebrows because all they’ve wanted to actually do is impeach this president.”
He went on to reiterate talking points in defense of Trump but the brief exchange on the contents of the transcript certainly smacks of a preemptive attempt at damage limitation.
The whistleblower complaint that started this controversy has not yet been released to Congress but reportedly concerns more than a single phone call. The transcript is due to be released later today.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.