‘Morning Joe’: Mitch McConnell’s Legacy Will Be Surrender To America’s Enemies

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough launched another attack on House Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday. The Morning Joe host issued strong criticism of the Kentucky Republican for his inaction on Russia election interference and on gun control measures.
“You look at this guy’s legacy, and it’s gonna to be two things, I think, right now,” Scarborough said. “He’s going to have a legacy of basically doing the work of Vladimir Putin, an ex-KGB agent, and Russia, who, Mitch McConnell has been told by the FBI, the CIA, the Director of National Intelligence, the United States military, he has been told by everybody that Russia is trying to interfere and disrupt our democratic process, that we are under attack, and so Mitch McConnell is killing Republican bills like Marco Rubio’s, and Democratic bills that would protect the homeland from this attack from Russia.”
“And Moscow Mitch is doing nothing about it, but he’s killing every bill, including Marco Rubio’s bill that simply says if we catch somebody interfering with American democracy, we will put sanctions on them. Moscow Mitch killed that bill, too. Moscow Mitch has killed every single bill that the Intel community has said will protect America, so that’s his legacy, not protecting us from enemies foreign.”
“And what about his legacy protecting us from domestic enemies, people that would shoot children, first graders, the Friday before they go home for Christmas holiday with AR-15s or people that would shoot wildly from their car in Odessa, Texas, and shoot 17-month-old babies in the backseat of their cars or would shoot up people going to worship Jesus in Texas churches that do nothing about it, or shoot up people going to Walmart for back-to-school shopping.”
“But Mitch McConnell, just like Moscow Mitch won’t do anything in protecting us from foreign enemies, he has been the one person that has killed every one of these bills to protect us from our domestic enemies, that are gunning down our children every day.”
“What’s his end game? What’s his legacy? Where does it end?” Scarborough went on.
“He does nothing. Against our foreign enemies, he does nothing against our domestic enemies. What is his legacy?”
“I think the legacy is pretty clear,” guest Richard Haas said. “it’s unilateral surrender in terms of protecting American democracy, by the way, not just against Russia but conceivably against North Koreans, Iranians, Chinese and others. We’re not taking the steps we should. We’re not fighting back.”
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.