Fox News Guest: Democrats Are Trying To Normalize Progressive Policies By Attacking Obama

There has been a lot of media discussion about Democratic presidential candidates criticizing former President Barack Obama in the most recent debates. While this shows the party has become more progressive, one Fox News guest saw a pernicious tactic in it.
Radio show host Tony Katz, who occasionally appears on Fox News, told Fox & Friends Saturday that Democrats were attacking Obama in order to make his supposedly far left positions seem mainstream and lay the groundwork for even more left-wing policies.
“Ten years ago, Obamacare was the most left thing you could think of,” Katz said. “And now it’s the moderate policy position?”
“That’s about taking the country, trying to move it in the direction, take what is clearly a progressive position and try and normalize it,” Katz said.
“Obamacare is still a bad idea. Government-run healthcare is still a bad idea.”
“The other side of the says that mainstream media trying to guess light America about the greatness of Barack Obama. They knew it wasn’t good. They knew it wasn’t enough. Watching this really radically left party try and take Barack Obama and say, that guy’s just a George Bush in disguise. That’s something else.”
Katz comments ignore the fact that Obamacare was essentially a compromise and even progressive elements within the Democratic Party at the time didn’t think it went far enough. However, Fox News and Republicans spent huge amounts of time painting is a radical, even dangerous, piece of legislation.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.