Stephen Colbert Irritates Fox’s Chris Wallace With Suggestion for New Network Motto

Stephen Colbert ran a new motto for Fox News past network anchor Chris Wallace on Wednesday night, and Wallace did not seem to be into it.
Wallace appeared on Colbert’s late-night CBS show to promote a new documentary he produced about his legendary newsman father, Mike. First, however, Colbert wanted to discuss the younger Wallace’s analysis of Robert Mueller’s congressional testimony.
Wallace had said on Wednesday morning that Mueller’s appearance had been “a disaster for Democrats.” President Trump immediately tweeted out the quote to his millions of followers. This all struck Colbert as jumping the gun a bit:
“You said that at 10:07 this morning, an hour and a half into a six-hour series of hearings. So is Fox News’ motto, ‘We report and decide before the thing’s over?'”
Wallace responded a bit defensively that there had been a break in the hearing and he had been asked for his opinion. Furthermore, nothing Colbert had said in his monologue at the beginning of the show “disproved that description.”
This led to a bit of a back-and-forth in which Colbert said he thought the hearing had laid out some pretty shocking facts in a “well-organized” way and Wallace responded that all of these facts were learned when the Mueller report was released in March. As far as the Democrats having Mueller testify on camera to bring the report to vivid life for people who did not read the report, Wallace found the whole event to be a “snore.”
He also insisted that Colbert was viewing the report through a “tribal lens,” while he himself is in the “journalist tribe,” and thus more objective.
Watch the entire clip above, via CBS.