Republican Launches Senate Bid On ‘Fox & Friends’, Praises Hosts As Fantastic Patriots

Republican Scott Taylor announced his campaign for US Senate on Fox & Friends Monday morning. The former one-term congressman from Virginia will challenge Democratic Senator Mark Warner in 2020. Warner is the senior senator for Virginia and has served since 2009.
Taylor was on Fox News ostensibly to talk about the border and Democratic lawmakers who refused to vote for a funding bill that would have provided border funds. But Taylor had another agenda.
“You came in this morning react to this story but also you have a big announcement,” co-host Ainsley Earhardt said.
“I do. Well, listen. We have a history of me coming up here, of course, at Fox & Friends,” Taylor said. “I’ve always appreciated being with you guys. You guys are fantastic and patriots.”
“As I walk around Virginia and talk to people in grocery stores and gas stations and beaches. There’s a hunger for leadership change in Virginia. We have a leadership crisis in Virginia. And we think Washington’s broken and we need a fresh start in the Senate. Today I’m announcing that I am going to be the next United States senator from Virginia.”
Taylor went on to criticize Senator Mark Warner but acknowledged the odds would be against him. Taylor lost his seat in the House in 2018 to a Democrat and Warner is a long-serving senator with more substantial political experience.
“It’s gonna be tight. There’s no question. We are underdogs. There’s no question. As you very well know we the people have been taking left hooks for years and years and years and we might hit the canvas but we’re gonna get up and dust our knees off and move forward.”
Watch the video above, via Fox News.