Pentagon Offers Instructions to Military in Trump’s July Fourth Shindig: ‘Smile and Have Fun’

The Pentagon knows that Donald Trump’s “Salute to America” shindig in Washington, D.C. on July Fourth is raising hackles. So it has issued instructions to soldiers for responding to any questions or statements from reporters covering the event. And the instructions boil down to: I love my country and my armored personnel carrier.
Mother Jones got hold of the card the military has handed out, and it’s quite entertaining:
SCOOP: @MotherJones obtained the Pentagon guidance to troops in Trump’s July 4th event: Say “I am proud of my job and my vehicle/tank.”
— Matt Cohen (@Matt_D_Cohen) July 3, 2019
The card instructs soldiers to say they are proud to serve America, to honor the military, and proud of their vehicle or tank.
There are also instructions for directing reporters’ questions to the White House Press Office, making positive statements, and a reminder to “smile and have fun.”