Pelosi Slams ‘Scaredy-Cat’ Trump, Republicans Attacking Schiff for Being Afraid of ‘Truth’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a succinct description of Republicans on the Intelligence Committee: “They’re just scaredy-cats.”
Pelosi was responding to the Republicans’ Thursday-morning stunt calling for the resignation of Adam Schiff from his chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee. At her regular Thursday press conference, the Speaker defended Schiff and his work in pursuing the Russia investigation.
“They’re just plain afraid,” Pelosi told the assembled reporters. “They’re afraid of the truth. They’re afraid of competence. They’re afraid of a leader who is recognized in our country for being calm, professional, patriotic.”
She also got in a dig at Devin Nunes, the committee chairman during the last Congress. Pelosi called his behavior during those first two years of the Trump presidency “irresponsible, almost criminal.” Perhaps Nunes will sue her as well for making fun of him.
“So what is the president afraid of?” Pelosi then asked. She proceeded to excoriate Trump for attacking a “respected” committee chairman before making her “scaredy cats” comment and suggesting that Republicans’ fear and insecurity keep them from wanting to know the truth of what happened in 2016.
Watch the entire clip up top, via CBS.