Kirsten Gillibrand: ‘Coward’ Trump Is ‘Tearing Apart The Moral Fabric Of Our Country’

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand launched a stinging attack against President Donald Trump on Sunday. Standing outside Trump International Hotel & Tower in Central Park, New York, the Democratic presidential candidate criticized Trump for his moral failings.
Gillibrand called the President a “coward” who “punches down”. She also accused Trump of “tearing apart the moral fabric of our country,” all while standing outside one of Trump’s properties.
““He demonizes the vulnerable and he punches down. He puts his name in bold on every building,” Gillibrand said.
“He does all of this because he wants you to believe he is strong. He is not. Our president is a coward.”
Gillibrand branded Trump’s hotel as “a shrine to greed, division and vanity” as she made one of the first major speeches of her presidential campaign. Gillibrand is facing an uphill battle for the Democratic nomination. More than a dozen candidates are vying for the 2020 nod.
The New York senator hasn’t made much of an impression on voters yet, but there is still plenty of time before the first Democratic primaries. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders and former vice president Joe Biden are leading the field at the moment.
Second-tier candidates like Gillibrand will have to work hard to win recognition if they are to have any chance of clinching the nomination. She’ll face fierce opposition from Senate colleagues like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren, none of whom are polling as well as Biden and Sanders.
Attacking President Trump will be an obvious plank of any Democratic candidate’s 2020 platform, but standard criticisms will not be enough to mobilize the Democratic voter base behind any one candidate. Gillibrand and other hopefuls need to offer a clear vision, not just strong words about the President.