Trump Mad He Didn’t Get a ‘Thank You for the Funeral’ From John McCain, Who Was Dead at the Time

Donald Trump took his demons for a stroll in Ohio on Wednesday afternoon during a speech at the Lima Army Tank Plant.
Well, one demon, the one named John McCain. The deceased Arizona senator must have been entombed in the president’s head, considering all the space he appears to be taking up in there.
Trump broke away from his prepared remarks to ramble about McCain, blaming him for Congress’ failure to repeal and replace Obamacare. He blamed McCain for giving the Christopher Steele dossier to the FBI instead of to Trump himself. Of course Trump had not yet been inaugurated, and therefore was not yet in charge of the government. Even if giving the president the dossier first instead of a law enforcement and counterintelligence agency would have been the appropriate course of action.
He also blamed McCain for pushing for the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and his support for America’s “endless wars.” Which is certainly a fair criticism! It just seems strange to make it in a business that probably benefitted greatly from those wars. And right after he had bragged about how well the plant is doing.
Then came the weird segue: “Nineteen years ago when we started. So John McCain loved it. I endorsed him at his request. And I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president I had to approve. I don’t care about this. I didn’t get a ‘thank you,’ that’s okay. We sent him on the way. But I wasn’t a fan of John McCain.”
It would have been difficult for McCain to thank Trump for the funeral, seeing as how he was dead. Otherwise, great point.
Watch the clip above, via C-SPAN.