Morning Joe Guests: ‘Literally Insane’ Trump ‘Is A Man That Has Lost It’

Morning Joe‘s guests were appalled by President Donald Trump’s behavior Friday morning. The MSNBC show discussed the President’s comments about his intelligence chiefs and his statements to the press about how Speaker Nancy Pelosi will beg for a border wall.
Trump claimed that he shut down the government as a way to educate people about the need for the wall. He also claimed that huge migrant caravans were heading to the US border – a claim he got from Fox News, but which has not been verified by other news outlets.
“You listen to him this morning and it’s so easy to normalize this insanity,” guest panellist Donny Deutsch said. “If we step back, and this was not President Trump, this was somebody else, and in one fell swoop said ‘I had to educate people about this problem, so that’s why I had to do this’, when in effect we know statistically it’s the opposite, that it’s a 20 year low for immigration, there are no prayer rugs there, there are no duct taped women there,”
“And then at the same time saying Nancy Pelosi is going to beg for a wall. This came out of his mouth. Nancy Pelosi is going to beg for this wall,” an incredulous Deutsch said. “This is the same day […] that he completely contradicts his intelligence heads on North Korea, on ISIS and the Senate rebukes him on Afghanistan and Syria.”
“He’s in an alternate reality. He’s insane. I mean, we laugh about it because it is so unsettling, but if we were objective from this, if we had not lived through 25 months of it, you would say, and I’m not overstating this, he’s out of his mind. He’s literally out of his mind. And it’s unhinged. It’s absurd.”
Reverend Al Sharpton, who was also a guest on Friday morning’s show, echoed Deutsch’s sentiments. Joe Scarborough asked Sharpton if he recognized Trump from their long acquaintance.
“No, he’s actually deteriorated,” Sharpton said. “Because we always knew he was a salesman and he would, as Michael Bloomberg said, play the conman most of his career, but now you have got to where he’s bizarre. To actually when the Republicans are trying to blame the Democrats for the shutdown, he snatches ownership back yesterday by saying, ‘No, I did it so we could teach the American public the issue.'”
“So the whole argument that this was the Democrats being inflexible, caused the shutdown, he just ripped up in shreds, which he would have read better than that 20 years ago,” Sharpton said. “But the second part is the insensitivity. When he would meet with us, he would feign like he cared or feign like he had some kind of sensitivity. To say ‘I reset the table’ when he literally took food off of federal workers’ tables is really adding insult to injury here.”
“I can’t believe he’d even discuss a table when you’re talking about federal workers that were literally out pawning their valuables so they could put food on the table. This is not even a conman’s kind of way of operating. This is a man that has lost it.”
“Everything he does … is self-destructive. He keeps doing things that on end up only hurting himself, only hurting the Republican Party,” Scarborough said.
Watch the video above, via MSNBC.