Fox & Friends Guest: Jane Curtin And Liberals Want Me Dead

Fox News dedicated a segment of this morning’s show to comments by actor Jane Curtin, whose New Year’s resolution has riled those on the right. The Saturday Night Live alum told CNN on New Year’s Eve that her resolution was ‘to make sure that the Republican Party dies.’
Fox & Friends brought on little known comedian Michael Loftus, whose material is primarily aimed at Trump supporters, to discuss Curtin’s comments. The hosts played the clip of Curtin’s brief comments and asked Loftus for his opinion.
“That was absolutely terrifying,” Loftus said. “Really terrifying – to makes sure the Republican Party dies. She meant it, that wasn’t a joke. That wasn’t a joke. That makes you glad that there’s a 3-day waiting period on guns. Jane curtin has lost it. She’s completely not funny.”
“This is what the left has been thinking for a long, long time. It would be so much easier if there was no opposition. They have no message, they can’t win a debate, so it would just be easier if all the Republicans were dead and gone. It’s terrifying.”
“I think Trump has them so frustrated the mask is off,” Loftus said. “It would be so much easier for the left if all the Republicans could just get out of the way and they could take over and we would all be Venezuela by the morning. It’s horrible. Jane Curtin has made a very good living playing cold, mean, calculating women. Turns out she wasn’t playing a part. She is a cold, mean, calculating woman.”
Having joked about the possibility of Jane Curtin shooting him, Loftus then suggested she could poison him.
“If you want to give your opinion go for it but I’m not going to hang out at any parties with these guys,” Loftus said. “Seriously, they want me dead. If I’m at holiday party and Jane Curtin hands me an hors d’oeuvre, I’m gonna say pass and get to my car.”
“I didn’t know how bad the problem was. I didn’t know how angry the left really was,” Loftus said, before going on to plug his new comedy tour, which the Fox & Friends host expressed interest in attending.
“Someone’s gotta try try to turn the tide … I’m throwing myself out there,” Loftus said. “We’re going to entertain people. And not wish death upon them.”
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