Twitter Has A Field Day Over Stephen Miller’s Spray Paint Hair: ‘I Did Nazi That Coming!’

White House advisor and Trump administration immigration policy architect Stephen Miller appeared on CBS News’ Face the Nation this morning to reiterate the president’s threat of a government shutdown if border wall isn’t funded in the upcoming federal budget. He also said the death of a seven-year-old migrant girl in Border Patrol custody was “a painful reminder of the ongoing humanitarian tragedy that is illegal immigration and the misery that it spreads” and blamed it on “left-wing judges.”
Many viewers, however, had a hard time focusing on Miller’s combative interview as they found themselves distracted by something else. See, it appears that Miller, in an effort to look his best this morning, got himself a touch-up on his hair.
#facethenation Stephen Miller sporting the worst case of spray-on hair I have ever seen.
The glory and horror of HDTV.— Futuropolist (@futuropolist) December 16, 2018
The obvious spraypaint job on his hairline helped lead to Miller becoming the top-trending topic on Twitter Sunday as a bunch of folks had jokes.
I’m sorry but I can’t stop staring at Stephen Miller’s spray-on hair. It’s magnificent.
— Egg Nogg Sean Kent (@seankent) December 16, 2018
LOL, Stephen Miller uses spray-on hair.
Pic 1 – TV today, front
Pic 2 – TV today, back
Pic 3 – Front pic without spray-on hairLooks totally natural, Stephen!
— Eric Schmeltzer (@JustSchmeltzer) December 16, 2018
Politics aside, can we talk about Stephen Miller’s spray on hair?
— Charles Forster (@Chazthetic) December 16, 2018
A) You know things are bad when Stephen Miller comes out of the bullpen.
B) Stephen Miller spray-painted his hair on this morning.— Ron Marz (@ronmarz) December 16, 2018
In addition to the fact that Stephen Miller is a sick, twisted, dead-eyed sociopathic Nazi fuck with spray-on hair, keen on defending the murder of children, listen to how he egregiously slips “Merry Christmas” into this interview as if it was “Sieg Heil!”
— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) December 16, 2018
Fake hair on Stephen Miller? I did nazi that coming!
— Naveed Jamali (@NaveedAJamali) December 16, 2018
Stephen Miller is getting his groove back with the new Rustoleum line of hair care products
— Ned Pyle (@NerdPyle) December 16, 2018
Even Carlos Boozer thinks Stephen Miller’s spray hair is too much.
— Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) December 16, 2018
Look, say what you want about Steven Miller’s new hair but I think it looks great.
— jordan (@JordanUhl) December 16, 2018
I think that men should be allowed and encouraged to do all the same vain shit women do to their hair/skin etc, but Stephen Miller is a fascist and I don’t care about him.
— Nicole Cliffe (@Nicole_Cliffe) December 16, 2018
I want to live in a world where all balding men *who want to* can casually try out wigs and discuss them with their friends.
Not him, though.
— Nicole Cliffe (@Nicole_Cliffe) December 16, 2018
Looks like no one else is gonna say it so I will I think Stephen Miller’s new hair looks very handsome.
— luke o’neil (@lukeoneil47) December 16, 2018
Hey you know he has a reputation as being a gawky corrupt lying bully but I think it’s great that Corey Lewandowski let Stephen Miller scalp him as he slept and wear his hair on the Sunday shows
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) December 16, 2018
We will now sit back and wait for Fox News hosts and right-wing websites to offer the counternarrative that liberals are being hateful bullies for bodyshaming Miller.