Rudy Giuliani’s Tweet Links To A Site Calling Trump A Traitor. He Still Hasn’t Deleted It

Rudy Giuliani sent a tweet on 30 November attacking Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian collusion during the 2016 election. It was a pretty standard tweet, but Giulani made a punctuation mistake: he failed to put a space after a full stop, and inadvertently created a hyperlink.
“Mueller filed an indictment just as the President left for G-20.In July he indicted the Russians who will never come here just before he left for Helsinki.Either could have been done earlier or later. Out of control!Supervision please?” Giuliani tweeted.
Unfortunately, G-20.In became an instant hyperlink and someone noticed. It’s not certain when exactly the site was created, but clicking on the link in Giuliani’s tweet leads to a simple website with a short message: “Donald J. Trump is a traitor to our country.”
Giuliani, who is acting as Trump’s lawyer in the Russia probe, has not deleted the tweet, despite media reports highlighting the prank. Time magazine, among others, has reported how Giuliani’s tweet was hijacked and has been widely mocked online.
Stranger still, Giuliani actually retweeted the tweet from 30 November without additional comment and apparently completely unaware of the link or the media reports. This is despite many Twitter users pointing it out and replying directly to the tweet, explaining the problem to him.
This is not the only one of Giuliani’s tweets that make it look like he doesn’t know how to use social media. He also recently tweeted “Kimim ° has f”, an apparently meaningless message that is still on his Twitter account. Giuliani is supposed to be defending Trump against possible charges in the Mueller probe.