GOP Congressman Downplays Khashoggi’s Murder: ‘Journalists Disappear All Over The Country’

Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) appeared on CNN Right Now with Brianna Keilar shortly after senators spoke to the press following a briefing with CIA Director Gina Haspel on the Jamal Khashoggi murder.
BRIANNA KEILAR (HOST): I want to be clear there. What happens now when you have senators who feel very differently than you do. You are giving them the benefit of the doubt. He said he will believe they are good soldiers. There are senators who believe that something was covered up with the background happening of the Trump administration or President Trump saying maybe the Saudis did it, maybe they didn’t. He doesn’t care.
STEWART: We can go back over the last few weeks and wonder and conclude, this was the information provided to these groups at this time. This is what we know. That’s the most important consideration and the question is, what do we do now? The first is simple. We have to have a relationship with players we don’t agree with. Journalists disappear all over the country. 20 have been killed in Mexico. You don’t think it happens in Turkey and China? Of course it does. We have to have a relationship with these countries. What is in the best interest of the United States? This is a very, very difficult challenge. We have to hold them accountable, including the crown prince, for whatever action he may have been involved with. At the same time, what is protecting U.S. interest and counters Shia extremists? What will bring an end to the war in Yemen. You have to balance all that was as we move forward.
KEILAR: As the administration moves forward, is there not a commitment to telling the truth? It seems like what is bothering the senators, bipartisan among them including folks who supported Saudi Arabia and the Trump administration is that the Trump administration turned a blind eye to the facts here.
STEWART: I don’t think we know that’s true at all. Having worked in this area —
KEILAR: How could you not say the president has turned a blind eye? He literally in his statement said maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.
STEWART: Because new information may have emerged.
KEILAR: He said maybe they did and he doesn’t care.
STEWART: I don’t think he said he doesn’t care.
KEILAR: He said maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.