MAGA Rally Attendee Tells Katy Tur He Trusts Tucker Carlson The Most: ‘I Don’t See Why He Would Lie’

Just before this year’s midterm elections, MSNBC’s Katy Tur — a target of Trump’s ire during the 2016 election — went to her first Trump rally in two years and spoke to some of the president’s supporters down in Georgia. During her conversation with two of them, she not only found they were completely dismissive of credible allegations of voter suppression by the GOP gubernatorial nominee but discovered who was found to be the most trusted source for information.
With one man saying that he believes that Democrats are actively trying to get illegal immigrants to vote for them, citing non-CNN articles he’s read, the other man complained about the mainstream media’s coverage of President Trump because it is largely negative.
“If you’re leaning 90 percent one way, how can it be the truth?” the man asked. “It can’t be.”
“But that’s the way you read the facts,” Tur responded. “If you read the facts as negative, then maybe you should take issue with the problems.”
“I watch both sides,” the MAGA rally attendee insisted.
They would later discuss who he found to be a trusted source of information and news. And, surprise surprise, he named a Fox News opinion host.
“Where do you get your most trustworthy information?” Tur asked.
“Trustworthy information? Probably Tucker Carlson,” he answered. “I would think he would — I don’t see why he would lie.”
When pressed on how he knows what Carlson says to him is true, the man said he researches the facts Tucker gives him, adding that he decides who to trust by praying and thinking about it.
The highly-rated primetime Fox host has faced pointed criticism in recent months for peddling thinly-veiled white nationalism to his viewers. This peaked late this past summer when a Tucker claimed that South Africa is “seizing land from his own citizens without compensation because they are the wrong skin color” and that the US State Department is made it possible. The highly misleading charge by Carlson, one that echoed far-right activists, resulted in Trump tweeting that he’d have State study the issue and Carlson carefully walking back his claim.
Tur pointed out today that “we have a problem” and Americans “cannot have our own facts.” She also instructed liberals that MSNBC is not their “safe space,” as they are a news organization and the news “comes from both sides.”
“The news should make you uncomfortable,” she concluded.
Watch the clip above, via MSNBC.