Is Donald Trump About To Fire Jeff Sessions?

Speculation is mounting that President Donald Trump will fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Trump has been unhappy with Sessions for some time but he has recently escalated attacks against him, possibly because he is nervous about Robert Mueller’s investigation.
Trump took to Twitter yesterday to criticize the indictment of two Republicans, presumably Representatives Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter. Collins was charged with insider trading and Hunter and his wife were charged with using campaign funds for personal expenses.
“Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff,” Trump tweeted.
The President appeared to complain that the attorney general did not obstruct justice, though Trump no doubt believes Collins and Hunter are innocent. Trump seems to be suggesting that Democrats and/or the Justice Department indicted them unfairly.
Trump also claimed that the Democrats ‘must love’ Sessions following the indictments. The President tweets are a worrying insight into his way of thinking. He has previously suggested that a popular president cannot be impeached and seemed to extend that principle to other elected officials.
It is widely believed that Trump will fire Sessions after the midterms, whatever the results. But his sustained attacks on Sessions may indicate he is itching to dump the long-time supporter, whose accent and background Trump has reportedly mocked. Firing Sessions could also pave the way for ending the Mueller probe, though this would open the President to accusations of obstruction of justice.