Former Adviser Carter Page: Trump Reminds Me Of Nelson Mandela

Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page has compared President Donald Trump to Nelson Mandela. Page, who was a foreign policy adviser to the campaign, told Sky News that the President reminded him of the late South African leader during a documentary about the Trump presidency.
“I think he [Trump] has been under such tremendous constraints, pressures, abuses,” Page said. “In a lot of ways, he reminds me of Nelson Mandela. You know, and a lot of people were using the intelligence apparatus to go after him in illicit ways.”
The Sky News reporter appeared surprised when Page made the comparison, but Page continued.
“I think there’s significant things that he’s persevered through,” Page added.
Carter Page served with the Trump campaign during the 2016 election but resigned following reports of his connections to Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin. Page has denied any wrongdoing, while the Trump campaign distanced itself from him, claiming he was a minor staffer. This has been disputed.
The interviewer asked Page about allegations that he was an agent of a foreign power.
“I’ve never been asked to do anything illegal, immoral, unethical throughout the 25 years I’ve been looking at Russia and spending time over there,” Page said. “It’s absolutely preposterous.”
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison during Apartheid. Following his release, he became the first black president of South Africa. He is widely regarded as a hero across the world, and was jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.