Anti-Choice Conservatives Freak Out Over Michelle Wolf’s ‘Salute To Abortions’: ‘Disgusting’

Former Daily Show star and comedian Michelle Wolf found herself labeled Public Enemy #1 by MAGA Nation after she took aim at White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders during this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner. She has remained squarely in conservatives’ crosshairs since the launch of her Netflix show The Break, especially after she compared Ivanka Trump to herpes.
After this past Sunday’s broadcast, Wolf has once again found herself as the right’s most-hated figure after she devoted a segment to saluting abortions.
At the end of the episode, Wolf reacted to the current anxiety over Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement and how Roe V. Wade could soon be overturned. After explaining the irony of Donald Trump possibly making abortion illegal and noting that the term “pro-life” is propaganda from the anti-abortion crowd, Wolf finished the show by leading her audience in pro-abortion cheers.
“Women, don’t forget, you have the power to give life and men will try to control that,” she exclaimed. “Don’t let them!”
She finished by declaring “God bless abortions and God bless America!”
This, of course, led to the predictable outrage from right-wing media folks and celebrities who found the whole thing completely reprehensible.
Disgraced former Fox News star Bill O’Reilly, a guy who singled out an abortion doctor who was eventually murdered, reacted by saying Wolf’s segment was “sacrilegious.”
This is almost impossible to believe but apparently hard left comedienne Michelle Wolf said these words on her Netflix show: “God bless abortion.”
Think about that for a moment. An act that destroys a potential human being is celebrated in a callous, sacrilegious way.
— Bill O'Reilly (@BillOReilly) July 9, 2018
Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell was all over Wolf’s broadcast, as you knew he would:
ICK: Michelle Wolf, the media-hired comedian who mocked Sarah Sanders at the White House correspondents dinner now proclaims on Netflix: Abortion 'should be on the Dollar Menu at McDonald’s!'
— Brent Bozell (@BrentBozell) July 9, 2018
Glenn Beck’s failing media empire TheBlaze — who purportedly kicked Tomi Lahren to the curb for coming out as pro-choice — had only one thing to say about Wolf’s salute — “disgusting.”
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) July 9, 2018
And there was a hodgepodge of other conservative complaints:
Abortion has never been my top issue. I'm moderate on topic- I think it should be decided on States Rights- on state by state level. But…This is just sick in head. Michelle Wolf is deranged. How can anyone CELEBRATE & Thank God for murder of children????
— Wayne Allyn Root (@RealWayneRoot) July 9, 2018
There are wide ranging opinions on abortion but I think we should all be able to agree that a ‘salute to abortion’ segment fetishizing the act of ending a life is callous, disgusting, and demented. Michelle Wolf is clearly a very disturbed person.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) July 9, 2018
Michelle Wolf's monologue is a misandry-laced collection of bad jokes, factually untrue statements, but the pièce de résistance is when she says women have the ability to do the "most powerful thing in the world, give life" while arguing the whole time for ending that life.
— Andrea Ruth (@AndreaNRuth) July 9, 2018
No, contraception and abstinence stop a baby from happening, you anti-science numbskull
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 9, 2018
Watch the clip above, via Netflix.