Poll: 49 Percent Of American Voters Believe President Trump Is Racist

The Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy that has resulted in the separation of thousands of migrant children from their families is facing widespread disapproval from the American public, as witnessed by the nationwide protests this past weekend that attracted hundreds of thousands of Americans.
To drive home that point, a new Quinnipiac poll reveals that while the policy is extremely unpopular a large percentage of voters also feel that the leader of the free world is racist.
The latest survey, released on Tuesday night, shows that 49 percent of voters say that Trump is racist, compared to 47 percent who claim he isn’t. 44 percent of those surveyed also believe that Trump’s immigration policies are motivated by “racist beliefs.” 50 percent say that the president’s actions towards immigration are based on a “sincere interest in controlling our borders.”
Quinnipiac also asked respondents to describe how they felt about the practice of separating children from their parents when the families crossed the border illegally. The words most frequently used were “sad,” “terrible,” “bad,” “wrong,” and “disgusted.”
Trump received a 40 percent approval rating in this survey compared with 55 percent who disapproved with the job he’s doing as president. This was a step back for POTUS after he had seen his approval numbers slowly rise over recent Quinnipiac polls.
Another notable finding in the poll revolved around the current national discussion of civility in politics. The vast majority of voters (91 percent) feel that lack of civility is a serious problem. While the public feels Trump is more to blame than Democrats (47-37 percent), a solid majority (55-39 percent) think the president “has emboldened people who hold racist beliefs to express those beliefs publicly.”
The poll was conducted between June 27 and July 1 and surveyed 1,020 voters across the country.