CNN’s Jim Acosta: Jesse Watters Is A ‘Lapdog For The White House’

In case you missed it, CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta got into it (again) with White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, this time over the Trump administration’s policy of separating immigrant children from their parents. It eventually led to Sanders personally insulting Acosta’s intelligence as she said it was hard for him to “understand even short sentences.”
To no one’s surprise, folks over at Fox News had a field day with the confrontation, using it as an opportunity to take some more shots at one of their favorite punching bags. The Five co-host Jesse Watters made sure to get his money’s worth Thursday afternoon, going after both Acosta and Brian Karem — Karem tangled with Sanders shortly after her battle with Acosta — while calling for them to have their access revoked.
“These people don’t belong there,” he exclaimed. “They are jokes. They need to start ripping press passes away. If you’re going to act like a wild animal, you don’t belong there.”
Well, Acosta wasn’t going to let that go unchecked.
Bringing up the conservative commentator’s unapologetic Trump sycophancy, the CNN correspondent tweeted out a Mediaite write-up of Watters’ comments while stating: “This from a lapdog for the White House.”
This from a lapdog for the White House.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 14, 2018
As of this publication, Watters has yet to fire back at Acosta on Twitter.