CNN’s Tara Setmayer Goes To Town On Jason Miller, Blasts ‘Despicable Racist’ Trump

As they’ve done multiple times in the past, CNN political commentators Tara Setmayer and Jason Miller tussled over a Trump-related topic, with Miller playing defense for his former boss while Setmayer turned up the righteous indignation. In this instance, the conversation centered on Trump not condemning Roseanne Barr’s hateful and bigoted tweets.
And things got heated and tense. More so than we’re used to seeing between these two.
After Miller, who worked for the Trump campaign, attempted to flip the conversation to health care and Democrats, Setmayer highlighted “how Jason got off the race issue” and went to politics. She went on to bring it back on topic, noting that Trump has a “long history of established bigotry.”
Miller countered that Trump did better in the 2016 election with African Americans than 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Setmayer, a former Republican communications director, mocked Miller for bringing this up and pointed out that Trump still only polled in the single-digits with black voters. Meanwhile, she continued to press him to explain why Trump has a problem condemning and denouncing overt bigotry and racists.
Miller continued to embrace while attempting to turn the discussion around on Setmayer, accusing her of saying the president was solely to blame for certain racist incidents. She expressed her belief that Trump did indeed create an environment for situations like Charlottesville to occur. The ex-Trump aide shot back, again claiming that she was saying Trump was wholly responsible for Roseanne and Charlottesville.
“That’s what you just said,” he exclaimed, “Don’t go back on it. Own it! Own it!”
Setmayer pushed back, telling Miller that he was trying to twist her words before finishing off the combative exchange with a flourish.
“I said he’s created the environment for people that have — that share that ilk — to come out and feel emboldened to do it and you know damn well that’s true,” she said with authority. “And he’s a despicable racist, also!”
Watch the clip above, via CNN.