Donald Trump Jr. Retweets Roseanne Calling George Soros A ‘Nazi’ Because Of Course

While comedian Roseanne Barr was facing widespread outrage over her tweetstorm that included a racist joke in which she compared former Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape, large adult son Donald Trump Jr. thought it would be an excellent idea to amplify her conspiratorial ramblings because why the hell not.
Don Jr., who has a history of retweeting fringe MAGA personalities and embracing conspiracy theories, retweeted a couple of Barr’s posts about liberal philanthropist and financier George Soros. In those posts, the now-former sitcom star pushed the long-debunked claim that the Jewish Soros was a Nazi collaborator. She also claimed Soros’ goal is to overthrow the United States’ “constitutional republic.”
Sorry to have tweeted incorrect info about you!I Please forgive me! By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth-were you aware of that? But, we all make mistakes, right Chelsea?
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 29, 2018
soros' goal; the overthrow of us constitutional republic by buying/backing candidates 4 local district attorney races who will ignore US law & favor 'feelings' instead-and call everyone who is alarmed by that 'racist'.
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 29, 2018
— Colin Campbell (@colincampbell) May 29, 2018
The whole “Soros is a Nazi” smear has spread through right-wing fever swamps for years now. The fact that Soros was nine years old when World War II broke out and was 14 when Germany surrendered hasn’t stopped conspiracists from spreading these falsehoods. Yet, despite this allegation being completely debunked over and over, it apparently hasn’t convinced Trump Jr. that it isn’t worth giving this some more play.
In the wake of Barr’s racist and bigoted tweets, ABC decided to pull the plug on her highly-rated sitcom revival. One wonders how the Trump base will take the news, considering Barr was embraced by MAGA nation due to her being a Trump supporter. Following her show’s huge debut, the president took to Twitter and personally called her to celebrate the program’s ratings.