Fox News Anchor On Kellyanne Conway: ‘Nobody Was Asking Hillary Clinton’ About Her Husband

I mean, really? REALLY?
In the wake of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway’s combative exchange with CNN’s Dana Bash over a question about her husband’s anti-Trump tweets, Fox News hosts have rallied to Conway’s defense. During a Monday morning segment, Howard Kurtz called Bash’s question “out of bounds” and “cringe-inducing” while stating Conway was in the right to push back and say CNN employees’ spouses were “fair game.”
Following Kurtz’s pro-Kellyanne defense, Fox News anchor Jon Scott hosted a panel discussion on the topic. And tried to pass off this just jaw-dropping observation as fact.
After guest Allie Stuckey said she agreed with Conway that she needed to “stand her ground,” Scott pointed out that the White House advisor “did well” before bringing up the 2016 presidential campaign.
“You go back to the campaign when Hillary Clinton — Donald Trump was facing all kinds of accusations about the Access Hollywood tape and so forth,” Scott declared. “Nobody was asking Hillary Clinton about the guy that she’s married to. It does seem that sometimes there’s a double standard in that regard.”
Yep, that was a real thing that was said on a news broadcast. And it was said with a straight face.
Former CNN reporter and SiriusXM host Chris Frates immediately pointed out that “people were bringing up Bill Clinton during the campaign” and that it placed Democrats in a “tough position to criticize” Trump over his past.
“Bill Clinton wasn’t on the ballot but still being asked about in the same way that Kellyanne Conway’s husband became news because he was disagreeing with the Trump administration,” Frates continued, adding that he would have asked the same question of Kellyanne because it could spur an interesting answer.
At the end of the segment, Scott asked ‘Conservative Millenial’ vlogger Stuckey if she should have asked Conway that question, only for Stucker to say she “probably would have” and that Bash “was justified.”
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.