Samantha Bee: Trump Might Outlaw Birth Because ‘It Makes Pussies Too Gross’

Samantha Bee was not impressed by Donald Trump’s comments on abortion in the final presidential debate. She was also annoyed at Chris Wallace, who posed a question about abortion that was not medically accurate. Bee passionately attacked what she saw as ignorant men talking about women’s’ health.
“If you were hoping to hear old men talk about vaginas some more, hey, it’s your lucky night,” Bee said. She showed a clip of debate moderator Chris Wallace asking about partial birth abortions. A stage hand then gave her a megaphone for added effect.
“Partial-birth abortions aren’t a thing,” Bee yelled into the megaphone. “It’s a non-medical term the National Right to Life Committee made up in the ’90s for a procedure that was outlawed in 2003 by the partial-birth abortion ban act.”
Bee went on to show Trump claiming that fetuses can be pulled out the womb on the very day they are due. Bee mocked Trump, explaining that removing a baby from the womb on the final day is a birth. “I’m sure Donald Trump would love to outlaw it,” she said. “It makes the pussies too gross and screamy for grabbing. and while Donald may not understand how abortion works, he should be familiar with the concept of unviable. For instance, Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Magazine — not to mention the entire Trump brand on November 9th.”