Tim Kaine: Donald Trump ‘Choked’ In Mexico During His ‘Diplomatic Amateur Hour’

Hillary Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine weighed in on Donald Trump’s surprise visit to Mexico. There are conflicting reports about what Trump and Mexico’s president discussed. Trump says they did not discuss payment for his proposed border wall but Enrique Peña Nieto has said he told Trump Mexico would not pay for it.
“He sort of folded under pressure and didn’t have the backbone to say to the Mexican president what he’s been saying over and over again,” Tim Kaine told TODAY. “That tells me something about his backbone and resolve. Yesterday was an interesting display of a diplomatic lack of resolve.”
On Good Morning America, Kaine called Trump a ‘diplomatic embarrassment’. “He’s been talking for a year about we’re going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it and then he goes and he sits down and goes eyeball to eyeball with the president of Mexico and, what, he forgets suddenly to bring it up or he’s too afraid to bring it up or he chokes in the meeting.”
Kaine called Trump’s trip to Mexico ‘diplomatic amateur hour’ and said his apparent failure to bring up payment for the wall showed a lot about his character. The border wall is Trump’s signature issue. He has repeatedly claimed Mexico will pay for it because they are sending rapists and terrorists into the US. Peña Nieto and several former Mexican presidents have made it clear they will not pay for anything like it.