According To Katrina Pierson, Liberal Reporters Are “Literally” Beating Trump Supporters

Hurricane Katrina strikes again!
Nary a day goes by now that Trump campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson doesn’t make some outlandish claim or spin a tall tale of epic proportions on television. Whether she’s claiming President Obama is responsible for a soldier’s death in 2004, or that he was the one who ordered the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, or that Khizr Khan endorses Sharia Law, or wildly inflating the number of troop casualties in the Middle East, it is a good bet that when she pops up for an interview that she’s gonna say something crazy.
During an appearance on Fox Business Monday morning, Pierson was back at it, this time straight-up saying that left-wing media members were physically attacking supporters of Donald Trump. Speaking to host Maria Bartiromo, the Trump flack stated that the Republican standard-bearer is just fighting back against the liberal press, unlike those pussies John McCain and Mitt Romney.
From Media Matters’ transcript of the segment:
KATRINA PIERSON: It is no secret that the media definitely skews left. However, I think this cycle, many people will agree that it’s above and beyond, over the top when it comes to Mr. Trump and his campaign, and I think that’s Mr. Trump’s way of fighting back. The last two presidential cycles, we had Republican candidates that just sat there and took a beating, and Mr. Trump isn’t going to do that. And therefore, the voters want someone that’s going to fight back because they are tired of seeing left-wing reporters literally beat Trump supporters into submission into supporting policies they don’t agree with. It just shuts them down, and that’s not what they’re seeing in this campaign. So this is essentially Mr. Trump fighting back and making sure that his side of the story gets out.
So, umm, yeah. Apparently, the thugs at MSNBC, the New York Times and NPR are wielding brass knux and blackjacks anytime they encounter Republican voters and Trump supporters, bludgeoning them until they agree that Obamacare is working and we need higher marginal tax rates.
Likely, we are going to get the ‘sarcasm’ excuse later from ol’ Katrina, echoing her boss. Or, considering she likes to try out a number of different excuses, she’ll say there was an audio glitch. Maybe even debate the definition of “literally” and “beat.”
Remember less than two weeks ago when a senior Trump adviser said that he could “guarantee” that these types of gaffes from Pierson wouldn’t happen anymore? Ahh, good times.