Joe Biden Literally LOLs At Trump Declaring Himself The “Law And Order Candidate”

While at a campaign event on Monday, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump declared himself “the law and order candidate” while referencing the spate of high-profile shootings that took place last week. The speech was supposed to be focused primarily on veterans’ issues, but with the news shifting to Black Lives Matter protests and Dallas cops being shot, the former reality TV star wanted to mention that he’d Make America Safe Again, but in a very “compassionate” way.
Well, at least one person got a hearty laugh out of this. During an interview on ABC’s Good Morning America, Vice-President Joe Biden couldn’t contain himself when asked by host George Stephanopoulos about Trump’s remarks. After the morning host mentioned that the real estate mogul had referred to himself as the “law and order candidate” — shades of Richard Nixon there — and that he’d make the country safe, Biden flashed a toothy grin and literally LOL’d.
When asked by George if that was his actual response, the Veep said the following:
“Well, I’d rather not make this story about Donald Trump, so I’m going to restrain myself, but the truth of the matter is that one of the problems we’ve had is getting funding for law enforcement from his party, and maybe he’ll come forward and be supportive of more support for community policing.”
Smilin’ Joe isn’t the only one who has a hard time taking Trump serious on this. Considering that The Donald’s whole campaign has centered on white resentment, racial divisiveness, hateful rhetoric and scapegoating minorities, claiming he’s going to bring law and order through compassion comes across as a tad unbelievable. On top of that, the whole thing is just a racist dog whistle, as his white nationalist base knows just what he’s saying.
Trump saying that he is law and order candidate after saying that Saddam Hussein was good at fighting terrorism doesn’t instill confidence
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 11, 2016
The only reason that a corrupt POS with mafia ties like Trump can call himself a “law and order” candidate is it’s a racist dog whistle.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) July 11, 2016
Trump says he’s now the law and order candidate. Why be PC? Just tell us ur the white supremacist candidate. No need for code “law & order”
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@Deanofcomedy) July 11, 2016
Trump says, “I am the law and order candidate,” vows to train millions of new sheriff’s deputies.
— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) July 12, 2016
Below is video of Biden laughing, courtesy of ABC News:
Vice President Biden laughs off Donald Trump’s claim that he’s the ‘law and order candidate’
— ABC News (@ABC) July 12, 2016