Ahead Of Expected Endorsement, Bernie Gushes Over Hillary’s Healthcare Proposal

Days before presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will appear at a rally in New Hampshire where it is expected her primary opponent Bernie Sanders will finally give her his long-awaited endorsement, the former Secretary of State released a proposal to expand healthcare. Specifically, her latest plan calls for an increase in funding for community health centers serving as primary care services, doubling the current investment in these facilities. She is also pushing for a public-option for all, and lowering the eligible age for Medicare to 55.
After she announced her plan, Sanders released a statement practically gushing over it. Hell, reading it, you’d think it was written by a member of Hillary’s staff. Here’s a sample:
“I congratulate Secretary Clinton for this extremely important initiative. It will save lives and ease suffering. It will improve health care and cut health care costs. It is a significant step forward as we advance toward the goal of health care for all Americans.
“This proposal, in a very significant way, addresses the crisis we now face in primary health care — the understanding that many millions of Americans today are unable to access a doctor, dental care, mental health counseling or low-cost prescription drugs.
After highlighting how community health centers provide health services to 25 million Americans, thus expanding funding for them would greatly increase the quality of healthcare for a significant portion of the population, Sanders ended his statement with this:
“Further, Secretary Clinton will pursue efforts to give Americans in every state in the country the choice of a public-option insurance plan, and to expand Medicare by allowing people 55 years or older to opt in while protecting the traditional Medicare program.
“Together these steps will get us closer to the day when everyone in America has access to quality, affordable health care.”
Those are the words of a surrogate, folks. While the endorsement hasn’t been made yet, and it still isn’t an absolute given that he’ll outright give it next week, Sanders’ language over the past week has definitely softened regarding Clinton and his own campaign. He’s won major concessions on the Democratic platform, including making sure the $15 minimum wage included in it. Hillary has adopted much of his policy positions regarding reducing college costs. And now we have this statement regarding her healthcare proposal.
Beyond all that, he’s taken to saying that not only will he do everything possible to defeat Donald Trump, but has also added the addendum “and to elect Hillary Clinton.”
Now, Bernie dead-enders may still be hoping against hope that Sanders will turn his back on Clinton and the EVIL Democratic establishment, taking up Jill Stein’s offer to run as the Green Party’s candidate. But, that just ain’t happenin’. It is pretty apparent now that He’s With Her.