BernieBros And Right-Wingers Are Crestfallen Over News That Hillary Won’t Be Indicted

This past Saturday, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton finally met with the FBI to discuss the private email server she used while she was Secretary of State. At the same time, CNN reported that the bureau was suggesting no charges be brought against the ex-First Lady, hinging on no incriminating evidence coming from the weekend conversation. On Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey put the whole thing to rest, saying no criminal charges would be filed.
Now, ignoring all the noise and confusion, this was pretty much the expectation for months. However, the Conservative Entertainment Complex had been pushing an indictment as a near certainty for roughly a year, with Donald Trump trumpeting those claims on a daily basis. Over the past months, right-wingers got an unexpected assist from voices on the left, as Bernie Sanders’ media supporters, specifically HA Goodman, The Young Turks and Shaun King, all loudly wished for charges so Bernie could become the nominee.
Immediately after Comey’s press conference, the wailing began on Twitter. King, who spends every waking hour looking for attention on the social media platform, went full Shaun King, twisting the non-indictment into a negative for Hillary.
I never expected Hillary Clinton to be indicted.
What I am disturbed about is how many times she openly & boldly lied about what happened.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) July 5, 2016
I think what we’ve witnessed here is the FBI saying @HillaryClinton is “too big to fail.”
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) July 5, 2016
What’s disturbing is that Donald Trump, of all people, is going to be able to say that Hillary Clinton is dishonest and has poor judgment.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) July 5, 2016
Meanwhile, The Young Turks’ Jordan Charliton, who has been openly rooting for an indictment for months, was pissed that he didn’t get his Christmas wish. He also bellyached about how Bernie wouldn’t have been given the same consideration.
Imagine if @BernieSanders was the candidate being investigated for the same thing—think “no prosecutor would recommend charges”?
— Jordan (@JordanChariton) July 5, 2016
Right on cue, @MSNBC reporter calls this “slap on wrist” + says @HillaryClinton campaign can now “move on” and “rally the Dem base” w/ Obama
— Jordan (@JordanChariton) July 5, 2016
Now, Goodman didn’t comment right away on Twitter, likely due to the fact that he was getting trolled mercilessly due to his near-daily columns claiming Hillary was on the verge of being arrested. Here’s a little taste of the shots fired his way:
HA Goodman, right about now.
— John Aravosis (@aravosis) July 5, 2016
HA Goodman rn
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) July 5, 2016
It should be noted that all of these guys, and many, many other BernieBros, consider themselves true liberals or progressives. Yet, here they are, downtrodden because the first female major party nominee in history, who happens to be a Democrat, isn’t going to jail over an email server. And why are they mad? Because it doesn’t allow a 74-year-old white dude to grab the nomination.
In fact, their reactions are similar to their brethren on the right. Here are some observations made by some of the loudest voices in conservative media:
Comey: “evidence of potential violation” of statutes & “possible” access by hostiles. Meaning incomplete investigation or political coverup
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) July 5, 2016
Czarina Clinton will give fertile lands to Duke Comey in the Ohio River Valley
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) July 5, 2016
The “she didn’t intend to break the law” bit was a nice little bit of gaslighting from Comey. That secret server set itself up by accident!
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) July 5, 2016
I’m sure the timing of Obama’s joint campaigning with Hillary on the day Comey announced no indictment was purely coincidental.
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) July 5, 2016
Summary: @FBI could have recommended prosecution. Director Comey chose not to.
— Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) July 5, 2016
The system is completely corrupt. FBI’s Comey: “We do not see those things here.”“
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) July 5, 2016
However, past all the punditry, all the cheerleading for preferred candidates and hand-wringing over purely political theater, what’ya got? The numerous Benghazi committees hung nothing on Hillary, and the email investigation ended with no charges. Sure, Comey made sure to toss some criticism Clinton’s way in his press conference to provide himself political cover, but the end result is everything has been dismissed. And it came directly from him, a man who served as deputy AG under Dubya.
So, yeah, time to move on from fantasies of Hillary in an orange jumpsuit. It ain’t happening, no matter how many times Trump tweets about Corrupt Hillary or Fox produces a special on Benghazi.
People who listen exclusively to conservative Infotainment have been convinced that Hillary was going to jail for months now. It seems that after so many fake stories and after catching these media outlets in so many misinformation campaigns, that conservatives would at least tune in the the rest of the world occasionally to see what’s really happening. Having so many people who suckle the Fox News teet, and who are continually angry because they believe all the lies they are being fed, is detrimental to our economy, our health and our environment. People need to stop choosing to be willy ignorant.