Joe Biden Scoops The Media, Tells NPR That Bernie Will Endorse Hillary Clinton

It’s been over three weeks now since Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination. However, in all that time, her primary opponent, Bernie Sanders, has withheld his formal endorsement of the former Secretary of State.
Sure, we’ve had the Vermont Senator sorta, kind, almost acknowledge that the race is over and that he’ll campaign for Hillary in the general election. He told MSNBC last week that he’ll vote for Clinton. Bernie’s noted that he’s not going to be the nominee. He’s pointed out that he’s had conversations with the Clinton campaign that have gone over very well.
Yet, he still refuses to say the words ‘concede’ and offer up his official endorsement of the Democratic nominee. While his hardcore supporters love him for this, believing beyond all rationality that this means there is STILL HOPE that he’ll get the nomination, it also feels like he’s lost much of his leverage to gain certain concessions.
Hillary’s already moved left because of him, and so has the party’s platform. Meanwhile, recent polls show many of Sanders’ supporters have already shifted to Clinton, and Elizabeth Warren has overtaken Bernie’s potential role as outspoken liberal surrogate for Hillary. Every day that goes by, Bernie is more and more forgotten.
Until today. That’s because Joe Biden has come to the rescue. The irascible Veep with the devilish grin and an inability to keep his mouth shut went all Joe Biden on Thursday. During an interview with NPR’s Weekend Edition, Joe blurted out to host Rachel Martin that Bernie already told him he’s going to endorse Hillary.
VP Biden in sit down interview with us just now: “I’ve talked to Bernie. Bernie is going to endorse her.” @NPRWeekend
— Rachel Martin (@rachelnpr) June 30, 2016
According to The Hill, Sanders’ camp wouldn’t deny the story:
Michael Briggs, a Sanders spokesman, would not confirm or deny the vice president’s assertion.
“We are in the process of talking” with the Clinton campaign, he said, and noted that the candidates met earlier this month to talk about next steps.
Remember, this is kinda Joe’s MO. After the Obama Administration took their time with backing same-sex marriage, Biden just went out on TV and endorsed marriage equality, forcing the President’s hand. Looks like he’s doing the same thing with ol’ Bernie.