Seven Deadly Sins: Donald Trump Is The Antithesis Of Christianity

Donald Trump is the antithesis of Christianity. He is a poster boy for all seven of the classic deadly sins poetically observed by Christianity’s early desert father monastics: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride.
If Donald Trump is to be the Republican president, the Republican Party simply cannot be Christian. Are Christians who vote for Trump really Christian? The hoops that Christian conservatives jump through while concocting complex, impersonal justifications for Donald Trump’s presidency
Let’s examine the seven deadly sins with which Trump’s lifestyle is so fond:
Lust: Donald Trump has been divorced multiple times, and has written books describing his sexual hedonism. He bragged to Billy Bush that he used his celebrity to sexually assault women. A fresh sexual harassment lawsuit by a former Apprentice contestant is forcing him into court for his terrible personality once again. He has spent decades apparently pretending to be his own publicist in order to spread unrequested gossip suggesting inaccurately that A-list women have pursued him. He owned Miss Universe for two decades and liked to personally judge the contestants’ bodies during rehearsals. Trump liked to walk in on the contestants while they were changing, some underage. And, most creepily of all, he has suggested that if he were not his daughter’s father he would be dating her. Seriously, peep the links, they are very enlightening as to his character.
Of course, Trump denies much of this, denouncing journalistic efforts to publish perspective on his awful personality, but his rebuttals charge out like adolescent lies. Fittingly, he has skim intellectual talent with the natural limitations of his middle school grammar level. But really, the video of Trump publicly imagining himself dating his daughter is a national embarrassment.
Gluttony: Trump’s home is narcissistically luxurious in a classical French style with gold-infused furniture that a 17th century absolutist monarch would admire with envy. Meanwhile, his Mar-A-Lago mansion, fleet of helicopters and airplanes, and yacht are hallmarks of his overindulgent lifestyle. Donald Trump is a working-class villain, not a hero. And despite his storied life of casual objectification of women, he’s self-conscious enough about his gaining weight that he lies about it.
Jesus was not fond of overindulgence, and the New Testament suggests that today he would be Trump’s biggest critic, perhaps re-tweeting every one of Trump’s tweets with references to camels, needle eyes, and all the people Trump’s hyper-competitive existence hurts.
Greed: I don’t know where to begin.
Sloth: Not in that Trump is lazy, because Trump is obviously a busy man, but in his disinclination to responsible intellectual faculty. Trump is going to be president, but he has hardly put in any effort to legitimately earn the executive position of America’s democratic government and federal bureaucracy. It’s not like he has ever been professionally involved in Republican politics, and neither has he put in the time rising through the tiered levels of public service.
Even his own company was given to him, along with a fortune of a trust fund for which his only self-sufficient accomplishment has been in not squandering all of it yet. Not that he hasn’t overseen a host of failed businesses and Trump-branded products. Trump has misread and lost money in industries as varied as casinos, magazines, board games, steaks, universities, mortgages, airlines, vodka and travel booking.
In his defense though, Trump’s sixth-grade level of communication likely inhibits his ability to learn about complicated issues. It is likely the reason Trump is so rarely articulate about complicated issues such as the economy and foreign policy, and he is making little progress educating himself on policy or even contemplating his political convictions. His opinions and campaign promises vary wildly depending on who he is talking to, and seem to be disproportionately dependent on Twitter as an information medium.
For being the Republican nominee for president, Trump is not trying very hard.
Wrath: Trump is not kind to detractors, and routinely threatens to sue anyone who publicly doubts his net worth. He has promised to change libel laws to make it easier to sue journalists. He tried to sue Bill Maher for $5 million when the comedian satirically insinuated that Trump’s father was an orangutan. Trump’s whole divisive campaign may be the result of Trump’s inability to take White House Correspondents’ Dinner jokes mocking him for buying into the fraudulent Obama Birther conspiracy.
His self-consciousness and shallow sense of worth keeps his anger and humiliation easily provoked. Litigation is his weapon of revenge.
Envy: Famous figures Trump is debatably envious of include Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler, Louis XIV, and Emperor Palpatine.
Pride: Trump loves Donald Trump. His campaign is fueled with verbal assurances that he is so good at things, that he has the best people, that he has very little debt, and that he has neither small hands nor a small penis.
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It’s simple: Donald Trump’s life is the antithesis of Christianity, and Jesus would loathe him. It’s kind of ironic that Trump might follow President Obama, who many Christians alleged erroneously was the Antichrist.
Trump may not be the Biblical Antichrist, but the Christians who support him really do not understand their religion.