Donald Trump Picks Up Hard-Earned Endorsement From Son-In-Law’s Newspaper

GOP frontrunner and always angry Furby Donald Trump was able to check the box when it came to securing the key son-in-law presidential endorsement on Tuesday when the New York Observer’s editorial board formally endorsed him for the White House.
For those unaware, the Observer is owned by Jared Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka. (Reminder: Donald totally wants to bang her.) A day after it was revealed that Ivanka and her brother had forgotten to change their voter registrations to Republican and will, therefore, be unable to take part in the New York GOP primary next week, Kushner threw his father-in-law a bone and had his paper endorse him.
Of course, the editors will point out that Kushner’s familial relationship with The Donald had NO BEARING WHATSOEVER with their decision and that this was completely above the board, yes sirree.
“The New York Observer’s editorial board formally endorsed Trump for POTUS on Tuesday. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is the paper’s publisher.”
OK, whatever you need to say to get you through the night.
As one would expect, the endorsement was nothing short of a love letter to Trump, including several paragraphs where the celebrity billionaire was compared directly to Ronald Reagan.
“Which brings us back to Mr. Trump, not by default but by choice. We are reminded of another presidential candidate who was derided for being “just an actor” and for proposing a vision for a stronger America. Today, many people forget what propelled Ronald Reagan into the White House in 1980.
There were a small number of simple messages that resonated with voters that year, and they were universally disparaged by the media as being shallow. The first was that as governor of California, Mr. Reagan had turned a state budget deficit into a surplus. Mr. Reagan would tell voters that he was willing to sit down with both union leadership and state management and get them to talk to each other, and to find common ground in the public interest. He reminded voters that he had honed his skills as president of the Screen Actors Guild, and later negotiated better, smarter deals for the common good of the people of California.
Ronald Reagan’s second message in 1980 was even simpler. During his only debate with President Carter—yes, there was just a single debate—Reagan asked Americans: Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
Anyway, congrats to Donald Trump for getting his daughter’s husband to publish something positive about him. It is the least Mr. Kushner can do, considering he gets to experience in the flesh what Trump can only publicly fantasize about.
Image via CNN
Don’t bet that The Donald never experienced that in the flesh.