Chris Christie Skips New Jersey Policeman’s Funeral So He Can Be Donald Trump’s Flunky

Last week, New Jersey State Trooper Sean Cullen tragically died at the young age of 31 after he was accidentally hit by a motorist while he was attending to a car fire on a highway. On Monday, his state’s governor decided not to attend his funeral, but instead play moderator for GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump at a North Carolina event, and then act as his warm up act in subsequent rallies in Florida and Ohio.
According to, the state’s lieutenant governor, Kim Guadagno, attended Cullen’s funeral in Chris Christie’s stead. As far as when Christie will make it back to the state, his office referred all questions to the Trump campaign. Nobody from Trump’s campaign returned calls to with an answer.
While Christie was still running for President, he missed the funerals of two other police officers. This was despite his tough talk about being a huge supporter of law enforcement and saying he would stand by them, claiming the current Prez was treating them like shit.
Christie endorsed Trump shortly after ending his own White House bid after finishing sixth in the New Hampshire GOP primary. Following his endorsement, a number of New Jersey newspapers called on him to resign as governor, citing his neglect of the state in pursuit of his national political ambitions. Christie then became the butt of jokes around the country when he introduced Trump at a Super Tuesday celebration speech and looked like he was being held hostage.
Less than two weeks ago, Christie held a press conference in New Jersey where he promised reporters that he wasn’t going to be a full-time surrogate of Trump’s and that he would spend more time in the state. However, he then took a vacation in Florida, ostensibly for his 30 year wedding anniversary, and is currently traveling the country stumping for Trump.
So, yeah, I think we can all see why the state’s papers want this asshole to quit.